Nmap is an open-source tool. It is available in windows, mac and Linux.
Nmap used tools by hackers and cybersecurity specialists.
and it used for :
- Audit the Network Security
- Simulate penetration tests
- check for possible connections
- Network mapping
- Response analysis
- Identify open ports in network or system
- use Nmap script to find Vulnerability assessment
Using Nmap’s scan methods, we can find the following information about the network or system we try to enumerate.
- Host discovery
- Port scanning
- Service enumeration and detection
- OS detection
Nmap provided a scripting feature NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine). We can NSE scripts to find a vulnerability on the target service.

In this article, I have only written about the basics feature and scan method of Nmap. Moving forward will be writing about Nmap host discovery, performance and different technics to bypass firewalls rules and IDS/IPS.
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